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7 Basic Functions of Text Analytics & Text Mining



Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Text Analytics are branches of artificial intelligence (AI) that help derive insights from text-based data.

It helps explore how each of them will help know the features of natural language processing. Also referred to as text mining, text analytics contributes to the computer science discipline, which is the combination of natural language processing and machine learning. It helps in drawing the meaning from different unstructured text documents. In this article, you will find information about the seven basic functions of text mining and text analytics. This article will help you to get a clear overview of text analytics services and text mining services before you opt for them.

Text analytics engine is known to break down different phrases and sentences before it analyzes anything. Breaking down unstructured text documents into specific components contributes to being an initial step in each NLP feature, including theme extraction, entity recognition, and sentiment analysis.

You should remember that there are seven basic steps involved in the preparation of the unstructured text document to ensure in-depth analysis, which are inclusive of syntax parsing, chunking, parts of the speech tagging, sentence breaking, tokenization, language identification, sentence chaining, to name a few. You should understand that every step is procured between pure software rules and pure machine learning on a wider spectrum.

  • Language identification

The NLP feature stack and text analytics technology of Lexalytics reveal the processing layers. So, every document undergoes transformation to be changed into structured data. The initial step in text analytics is the recognition of the language in which the text is written. Every language comes with its own set of idiosyncrasies.

You should remember that language identification helps in determining the different processes for each text analytics function. Hence, it is crucial to ensure that this sub-function is proper. Lexalytics provides support to 25 different languages, spanning the plethora of alphabets.

  • Tokenization

The majority of text analytics systems depend on different rules-based algorithms, which are useful in tokening different alphabetic languages. But, logographic languages need the use of complicated machine-learning algorithms. Once you are aware of the language in which the text is present, you will be capable of breaking it into different pieces.

You should remember that tokens are recognized as the individual units you are trying to operate. They are known to be phonemes, words, and full sentences. Tokenization contributes to the process to break the text document. Tokens are known to be the only words in text analytics.

The sentence of every ten words comprises ten tokens. Speaking of deeper analytics, it is beneficial in expanding the definition of the token. Such tokens are inclusive of hyperlinks, punctuation, words, and possessive marketers. Tokenization is known to be language-specific. Every language comes with its own set of tokenization needs. The majority of alphabetic languages adopt straightforward conventions, which help in breaking sentences, phrases, and words.

  • Sentence breaking

With the identification of the tokens, you will be capable of telling where the sentences are ending. You should check whether the punctuation is ending in the last sentence. Before you execute the in-depth text analytics functions, you will be capable of telling where the boundaries are present in the sentence. At times, it is a simpler process. There are a plethora of communication channels that are challenging to break down.

  • Parts of the speech tagging

After recognizing and tokenizing the text document language, it is essential to break down different sentences. After this, it is necessary to tag it. Parts of speech tagging contribute to the process to determine different parts of the speech present in the document’s token and tagging it.

Text Analysts make use of PoS tagging, which helps in figuring out if the specific token is the representation of the common noun and the proper noun. Besides this, you need to find if the specific token is the representation of the adjective or verb.

  • Chunking

It is essential to move out to the text analytics function, which is referred to as Chunking. Chunking contributes to the range of different sentence-breaking systems, which are known to splinter the sentence into different component phrases.

  • Syntax parsing

The sub-function syntax parsing contributes to being the option, which helps in determining the sentence structure. Syntax parsing is all about the fancy talk for sentence diagramming. However, it is considered a vital preparatory step to perform sentiment analysis and different natural language processing features.

There are different business enterprises that make use of unsupervised machine learning models, depending on complicated matrix factorization and input words. It helps in understanding the syntax.

  • Sentence chaining

Sentence chaining happens to be the last step that helps prepare the unstructured text to ensure in-depth analysis. There is a wide assortment of business organizations, which use the technique referred to as lexical chaining. It helps in connecting different sentences.

The companies are known to chain the individual links sentences by the association strength of every strength to the whole topic. As the sentences appear in different paragraphs along with the document, you should remember that the lexical chain flows through the document. It is useful to the machine in detecting and diagnosing the overarching topics, thereby quantifying the complete feel.

With the withdrawal of the associations between different sentences, you should perform complicated analyses, such as contrasting and comparing the sentiment scores. It helps in generating long document summaries accurately.



Natural language processing and text analytics are regarded as ultra-complicated computer science functions, which well-trained data analysts understand. Text analytics contribute to the discipline of computer science, which combines natural language processing and machine learning, which helps in seeking the prerequisite meaning from different unstructured text documents. By utilizing data analytics services, which include all data-related solutions like text analytics and text mining, businesses can acquire insightful information about consumer feedback, market trends, and other crucial information to make data-driven decisions.

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Technology & Inovation

Unlocking Talent Why AI is Key to Skills-Based Hiring



In today’s dynamic job market, traditional career paths are becoming obsolete. Candidates are entering the workforce armed not only with experience but also with a diverse array of skills acquired through self-skilling efforts. This shift has prompted organizations to rethink their talent acquisition strategies, moving away from the outdated focus on qualifications and experience toward a more nuanced understanding of candidate potential through skills-based hiring methods.

Challenges of Skills-Based Hiring

While skills-based hiring offers numerous benefits, such as accessing a wider talent pool, it also presents challenges. The manual process of matching candidate skills to job descriptions is time-consuming and inefficient. Moreover, the influx of applications necessitates significant effort from recruiters to sift through them all.

AI Revolutionizes Talent Acquisition

  • Harnessing AI: Revolutionizing Talent Acquisition in Skills-Based Hiring: Artificial Intelligence (AI) emerges as a powerful ally in navigating the complexities of skills-based hiring. By leveraging AI, organizations can expedite the candidate selection process, identify suitable candidates more efficiently, and enhance internal mobility by leveraging existing employee data.

Mitigating Hiring Mistakes

For organizations that rely on temporary or contingent workers, AI offers a valuable tool for mitigating costly hiring mistakes. By reducing misclassifications and streamlining administrative tasks, AI enhances the efficiency and accuracy of talent acquisition processes.

  • Maximizing Efficiency: AI’s Role in Reducing Hiring Mistakes: By leveraging AI’s capabilities, recruiters can minimize errors in candidate selection and streamline administrative tasks, ultimately improving the quality and efficiency of the hiring process.

The Role of AI in Streamlining Administrative Tasks

AI not only facilitates candidate screening but also streamlines various administrative tasks associated with the hiring process. From scheduling interviews to managing candidate communications, AI-powered tools can automate repetitive tasks, allowing recruiters to focus on more strategic aspects of talent acquisition.

  • Automating Administrative Tasks: AI-powered tools can automate repetitive administrative tasks such as resume screening, scheduling interviews, and sending follow-up communications. This frees up recruiters’ time, allowing them to focus on building relationships with candidates and making more informed hiring decisions.

Enhancing Candidate Experience

In addition to improving efficiency for recruiters, AI can also enhance the candidate experience throughout the hiring process. By leveraging AI-driven chatbots and personalized communication tools, organizations can provide candidates with timely updates, answer their queries promptly, and create a positive impression of the company’s recruitment process.

  • Personalized Communication: AI-powered chatbots can engage with candidates in real time, providing them with personalized updates on their application status and answering frequently asked questions. This proactive communication demonstrates the organization’s commitment to candidate experience and can significantly impact candidates’ perceptions of the company.

Addressing Bias in Hiring

One of the key challenges in talent acquisition is addressing unconscious bias in the hiring process. AI can play a crucial role in mitigating bias by standardizing candidate evaluation criteria, minimizing human judgment in initial screening stages, and providing data-driven insights into hiring decisions.

  • Mitigating Unconscious Bias: AI algorithms can be trained to evaluate candidates based on objective criteria, reducing the influence of unconscious bias in the hiring process. By standardizing evaluation criteria and focusing on job-related competencies, AI helps ensure fair and equitable treatment of all candidates.

Continual Development of AI

While AI has made significant strides in recent years, it remains an evolving technology. Recruiters must continuously monitor and review AI systems‘ data sets to ensure relevance and address biases. Additionally, while AI aids in initial candidate screening, human judgment remains essential for making final hiring decisions.

  • Evolving Strategies: AI’s Continual Impact on Skills-Based Hiring Practices: As AI technology evolves, recruiters must adapt their strategies to harness their full potential while maintaining the integrity of the hiring process.


In the era of skills-based hiring, AI emerges as a valuable tool for organizations seeking to unlock talent and streamline recruitment processes. By leveraging AI’s capabilities, recruiters can identify suitable candidates more efficiently, reduce hiring mistakes, and adapt to the evolving landscape of the job market. However, it’s essential to view AI as a partner rather than a replacement, recognizing the continued importance of human judgment in the hiring process. With AI’s continual development and integration into talent acquisition processes, organizations can stay ahead in the competitive hiring landscape while fostering a more inclusive and efficient recruitment experience for candidates and recruiters alike.

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Sales & Marketing

Exploring Marketing Management A Comprehensive Guide



Welcome to our comprehensive guide on marketing management! In this article, we’ll delve into the fascinating world of marketing management, covering its significance, strategies, implementation steps, and frequently asked questions to provide you with a solid understanding of this crucial aspect of business.

Understanding Marketing Management

Marketing management involves the planning, implementation, and control of marketing activities to achieve organizational objectives. It’s about identifying and satisfying customer needs profitably while building strong relationships with customers.

Importance of Marketing Management

Effective marketing management is essential for businesses to thrive in competitive markets. It helps companies understand their target audience, develop products/services that meet customer needs, and create compelling marketing strategies to promote offerings and generate sales.

Key Strategies in Marketing Management

  1. Market Analysis: Conduct thorough research to understand market trends, consumer behavior, and competitors.
  2. Segmentation and Targeting: Divide the market into distinct segments and target specific customer groups with tailored marketing strategies.
  3. Product Development: Create products/services that fulfill customer needs and differentiate from competitors.
  4. Pricing Strategy: Determine optimal pricing strategies based on market demand, competition, and product value.
  5. Promotional Mix: Utilize various marketing channels such as advertising, digital marketing, public relations, and sales promotions to reach target audiences.

Steps to Implement Marketing Management

  1. Set Objectives: Define clear and achievable marketing objectives aligned with business goals.
  2. Conduct Market Research: Gather data on market trends, customer preferences, and competitor activities.
  3. Develop Marketing Strategies: Based on research findings, formulate comprehensive marketing strategies to achieve objectives.
  4. Implement Tactics: Execute marketing tactics such as advertising campaigns, social media promotions, and influencer marketing.
  5. Measure and Analyze: Monitor marketing performance, analyze key metrics, and adjust strategies accordingly for continuous improvement.

FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. What is the role of marketing management in business success? Marketing management plays a vital role in driving business success by identifying market opportunities, understanding customer needs, and developing effective marketing strategies to achieve competitive advantage.
  2. How does marketing management differ from general management? While general management focuses on overall organizational functions, marketing management specifically deals with planning, implementing, and controlling marketing activities to achieve marketing objectives.


In conclusion, marketing management is a fundamental aspect of business that influences overall success and profitability. By understanding its principles, implementing strategic approaches, and adapting to market dynamics, businesses can effectively meet customer needs, drive sales, and achieve sustainable growth.

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Digital & Social

Exploring Digital Marketing Careers



Digital marketing jobs offer exciting opportunities for individuals looking to thrive in the dynamic world of online marketing. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore what digital marketing jobs entail, how to pursue a career in this field, and frequently asked questions to help you navigate your journey.

Understanding Digital Marketing Jobs

Digital marketing jobs encompass a wide range of roles focused on promoting products, services, or brands through online channels. From social media management to search engine optimization (SEO), these positions play a crucial role in driving online visibility and engagement.

Roles and Responsibilities

  1. Digital Marketer: Develop and execute online marketing strategies to enhance brand awareness and drive customer engagement.
  2. SEO Specialist: Optimize website content and structure to improve search engine rankings and drive organic traffic.
  3. Social Media Manager: Create and manage social media campaigns to increase brand exposure and engagement.
  4. Content Marketer: Produce compelling content, such as articles, blogs, and videos, to attract and retain target audiences.

Steps to Pursue a Career in Digital Marketing

  1. Gain Relevant Skills: Acquire knowledge in areas such as SEO, social media marketing, content creation, and analytics.
  2. Obtain Certifications: Earn certifications from reputable organizations like Google and HubSpot to validate your expertise.
  3. Build a Portfolio: Showcase your skills through internships, freelance projects, or personal projects.
  4. Network: Connect with professionals in the industry through online platforms like LinkedIn and attend industry events to expand your network.
  5. Apply for Jobs: Search for digital marketing job opportunities on job boards, company websites, and professional networks.


Q: What qualifications do I need for a digital marketing job?

A: While a degree in marketing or a related field can be beneficial, employers often value practical experience and skills. Certifications and a strong portfolio can also enhance your prospects.

Q: Is coding knowledge necessary for digital marketing roles?

A: While coding knowledge is not always required, familiarity with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript can be advantageous, especially for roles involving website optimization and analytics.


Digital marketing jobs offer diverse opportunities for individuals passionate about leveraging online channels to drive business growth. By acquiring relevant skills, certifications, and experience, you can embark on a fulfilling career in this exciting field.

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