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Critical conditions at al-Shafa Hospital: Gaza’s largest medical facility on the brink



Al-Shifa Hospital, Gaza’s main hospital, is in dire need of supplies, including fuel, water, and medicine, and is on the verge of collapse.

As morgues fill to capacity and bodies overflow onto the streets outside Al Shifa Hospital, the hospital is experiencing a flood of both the living and the dead.

Inside, the hallways are filled with hundreds of critically injured patients, and doctors are under immense pressure to make life-saving decisions. The injured include men, women, and children, and medical staff are well aware that essential services will cease when backup generators run out of fuel.

The siege of Gaza has resulted in shortages of food, water, electricity, and fuel, which are running out faster than hospital supplies. Al-Shifa is on the verge of collapse, unable to handle the flood of injured and concerned about other patients, including 118 children in incubators, hundreds receiving dialysis, and 70 on ventilators. Their lives are seriously in danger if backup generators fail.

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) has condemned the escalation of the conflict, stressing the devastating impact on hospitals. Fabrizio Carboni, the ICRC’s regional director for the Near and Middle East, warned that the power cuts in Gaza have put vital medical services at risk, leaving newborns, patients on ventilators, and more. , and put those who need dialysis at risk of death.

The neonates in the intensive care unit at Al Shafa are in serious condition; they are kept in incubators with mechanical ventilation. Many children would tragically die as a result of the incubators being worthless due to the generators’ silence. Similarly, dialysis-dependent patients face an uncertain fate as hospital resources dwindle.

There is a threat to the 1,800 patients treated three times a week by the dialysis facility at Al Shifa. Patients face not only the dangers of bombing but also the possible unavailability of life-saving dialysis.

Al-Shafa is not an exception to the trend of Gaza’s hospitals serving as shelters for displaced Palestinians. The hospital has become a shelter for hundreds of homeless people as basic services and necessities are not available elsewhere.

Overwhelmed morgues are struggling with a rising death toll. Identification and interment of the deceased are challenging for undertakers, and the mortuary’s operations are in jeopardy due to the approaching generator shutdown.

Al-Shifa’s medics, who may be doctors or nurses, are also residents of Gaza and have first-hand knowledge of the dire situation. They share harrowing accounts of the daily horrors witnessed since the start of Israel’s latest offensive.

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Technology & Inovation

Find the Perfect Options Trading Strategy Based on Your Risk Appetite



Options trading may be a risky business, but it can also be rewarding if you have the right tools and use the right strategy. The issue, however, is that there are thousands of options trading strategies that you can choose from. And each of these strategies comes with its risk profile. 

Some strategies, like selling naked calls or puts, can be particularly risky. If you do not have the underlying assets to back up your position, your loss can be potentially unlimited should the market move in an unfavorable manner. However, other strategies, particularly the multi-legged trades that incorporate hedged positions, can bring down the risk drastically. 

While it’s comforting to know that there is an options strategy for every risk profile, the truly important question is this — how do you find the strategy that aligns with your risk appetite? 

Options B.R.O.  — the new flagship feature in the Samco trading app — has the answer to this question. 

How Your Risk Appetite Affects Your Choice of Option Trading Strategies

No two traders have the same risk-reward preferences. Even for the same trader, the risk tolerance may vary over the years. For instance, if you currently have a well-paying job with a steady stream of income, you can afford to take on more risks when you trade. However, if you are between jobs or if you have recently had a major financial outlay, your risk-taking capacity can drop steeply. 

To account for different risk preferences, we’ve handpicked three risk categories in the Samco trading platform, as outlined below. 

  •  Conservative Trader

If you’re a conservative options trader, your priority may be to preserve your capital while earning decent returns on your trades. You may not be looking to hit a home run on every trade; instead, you may aim for consistent singles. So, your strategies need to be designed to minimize risk and protect your positions against major downturns. This approach often involves using options to hedge your existing positions or generate steady income. 

Some strategies that check these boxes include writing covered calls on stocks you own or buying protective puts to insure your holdings. You could also explore credit spreads, where your risk and potential reward are both limited and defined. 

  • Aggressive Trader

As an aggressive trader, you’re most likely on the lookout for opportunities to earn substantial returns, even if the traders with high potential rewards come with high risks. You may be comfortable with the possibility of incurring significant losses while chasing lucrative returns. So, your strategies may be more bold and could often involve a high degree of speculation. 

One of the key strategies that exemplifies this risk tolerance is writing naked calls and puts, where you sell options without a position in the underlying asset. You might also find yourself drawn to ratio spreads and backspreads, which can help leverage market movements to your advantage. 

  • Moderate Risk-Taker

If you’re a moderate risk-taker, you prefer to find the sweet spot and establish a balance between risk and reward. To achieve this, you need to select strategies that offer a blend of stability and opportunity. While risk is inherent to chasing returns in the market, your choice of option trading strategies must typically aim to fit within a comfort zone that neither avoids risk entirely nor embraces it recklessly. 

Strategies that fit this risk profile include butterfly spreads and calendar spreads, which allow you to chase profits within defined risk parameters and in a controlled manner. You might also consider iron condors, which aim to benefit from market stability or minimal movement.

Use Options B.R.O. to Find the Perfect Options Trading Strategy Based on Your Risk Appetite

On paper, identifying a strategy that aligns with your risk profile may be easy. But in practice, it can be incredibly challenging to manually analyze millions of data points and choose the optimal trading strategy. This issue is further compounded by the volatile and dynamic nature of the options market. 

With last traded prices changing every few seconds and investor sentiment being so flexible, how do you find the perfect strategy for your risk appetite? The answer lies in two words — Options B.R.O. 

This flagship feature in the Samco trading app performs superhuman analysis within a matter of mere seconds. All you need to do is submit three simple details: 

  • The option that you want to buy or sell
  • The expiry of that contract
  • How you expect the market to behave over the life of the option (this could be bullish, bearish, neutral, or even volatile)

After you’ve submitted these data points, Options B.R.O in the Samco trading platform carries out over 1.5 lakh mathematical computations, evaluates over 1,000 strategies, and analyses over 2,000 option contracts — all to pick out the top 3 option trading strategies that fit your market view. 

These strategies each cater to a different risk profile, as follows:

  • The aggressive strategy: This is for traders who are comfortable taking risky positions if they come with the potential for higher rewards.
  • The conservative strategy: This is for those traders who want to play it very safe and minimize the risk as much as possible, even if it means potentially reduced returns.
  • The moderate strategy: This is for those traders who want to find the sweet spot between risks and rewards.

Beyond the Top 3 Strategies: A Wealth of Alternatives for Every Kind of Options Trader

If you are looking for alternatives beyond the top 3 options trading strategies suggested in the Samco trading app, Options BRO has you covered. You can explore hundreds of other strategies that align with your selected market outlook. What’s more, you can even filter these strategies according to the risk profile they cater to — and choose from aggressive, moderate, or conservative strategies as you see fit. 

The strategy builder the Samco trading app also goes the extra mile and lets you analyze any strategy, so you can get a clear idea of how the expected profit or loss from a trade varies on the dates till expiry. Options B.R.O in the Samco trading platform also reveals the payoff details for each strategy — including crucial information like the probability of profit, risk-reward ratio, maximum profit and loss, break-even points, and more. This way, you can thoroughly assess if you are comfortable taking on a given level of risk. 

The best part is that all these insights are free of cost. Samco charges no extra fee from traders for using this flagship feature (or any of the several other pioneering tools and insights accessible in the Samco trading app). To enjoy these benefits for free, all you need to do is complete the Samco account opening process, download the Samco trading app, and explore Options B.R.O. today!

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Sales & Marketing

How to Target and Optimize Your E-commerce Ads for Conversions



E-commerce is a cutthroat industry, which most businesses realize once they step into it. With many ditching brick-and-mortar stores for the convenience of online shopping, the competition has never been fiercer. It’s like there’s a never-ending quest to try to capture your audience’s attention!

However, having a stellar product doesn’t cut it anymore. You need to get it in front of the right eyes and convince them it’s worth buying. Marketing your business is the play here, as well as optimizing your e-commerce ads and campaigns.

Think about it: what good is the perfect ad if you show it to someone who will never buy what you’re selling? You want your campaigns to reach those who are not only interested but ready to convert. Continue reading to discover how to target and optimize your e-commerce ads to get the necessary conversions.

The Growing Saturation of E-commerce Advertising

E-commerce advertising is getting saturated, so getting your ads noticed by your target audience will be an uphill climb. 2023 global e-commerce sales hit around US $5.8 trillion, with experts predicting it to surpass US $8 trillion by 2027.

Seeing those numbers means a lot of potential to get a piece of the pie, but that also means a lot of noise to cut through. Users are constantly bombarded with left, right, and center ads, making capturing their attention challenging for any single ad.

Targeted advertising is the key to surviving—and thriving—in the saturated market. By homing in on your ideal customer base, you can make your ad spending more efficient and safeguard that your ads reach those most likely to convert.

Targeting Strategies for E-commerce Ads

To hit the mark with your e-commerce ads, you need to know your target. You need to perform some market research. Here’s a breakdown of the various audience targeting options offered by advertising platforms:

1.   Demographics

This option includes age, location, income, gender, and more. Tailoring your ads based on these factors guarantees you’re speaking directly to those most likely interested in your product.

2.   Interests

Dive into your audience’s shopping habits, browsing behavior, and preferred product categories. Platforms like Facebook and Google allow you to target users based on these interests, keeping your ads relevant.

3.   Lookalike audiences

These are users who are like your existing customer base. You can expand your reach to new, highly relevant potential customers by targeting lookalikes.

4.   Retargeting

Ever notice ads for a product you just viewed online following you around? That’s retargeting. It’s an effective way to re-engage users who have interacted with your brand before but haven’t yet converted.

5 Tips for Optimizing for Conversions: E-commerce Ad Best Practices

Now that you know who to target, here are some ways to make your ads irresistible:

1.   Crafting compelling ad copy

The words you use in your ad must be clear, concise, and packed with benefits. Speak your audience’s language and highlight what makes your product a must-have.

2.   Using high-quality visuals

A picture is worth a thousand words, and a video even more. Use eye-catching product images and captivating videos to grab attention and showcase your offerings with the best lighting and color grading.

3.   Landing page optimization

Ensure that your landing page is related to your ad so you provide a seamless user experience. A clutter-free, easy-to-navigate landing page can significantly boost conversions.

4.   A/B testing and refinement

Experiment with ad variations, including copy, visuals, and calls to action. A/B testing helps you recognize the most effective combinations for your audience, allowing you to refine your ads for better performance.

5.   Conversion tracking and analytics

Tracking conversions and analyzing ad performance using analytics tools is crucial because it helps you understand what’s working and what’s not so you can keep optimizing your campaigns for better results.

Mastering the Art of E-commerce Ads

Your success in the e-commerce industry lies in getting the attention of your target audience by effectively targeting and optimizing your ads. By understanding your customers’ demographics and behaviors and using advanced targeting options, your ads will resonate with the right people.

Crafting compelling ad copy, using captivating visuals, and optimizing your website’s landing pages are all crucial steps to boost conversions. However, it doesn’t end there. The key to sustained success is the ongoing process of monitoring, testing, and refining your campaigns.

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Technology & Inovation

Agile Methodology in Custom Software Development: Benefits and Challenges



Explore the benefits and challenges of implementing Agile methodology in custom software development, ensuring flexibility, efficiency, and quality in project delivery. The agile method is known for its unique features such as flexibility, progress, and coordinative effort, and has achieved great recognition for its effectiveness in handling difficult software projects. This introduction shows how agile principles adjust to the changing needs of custom software projects. It provides a progressive and responsive framework that sets the stage for a complete discussion related to benefits. It includes improved product quality and customer satisfaction. Along with the challenges this also deals with changing necessities and understanding of Agile’s role in the modern software development environment. It showcases a bright future to optimize project results while altering the difficulties in custom software creation.

Benefits of Agile Methodology in Custom Software Development

Agile methodology, with its adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continual improvement, has significantly influenced the field of custom software development. It offers numerous benefits that cater to the dynamic and often unpredictable nature of developing customized software solutions. Here are several key advantages of implementing Agile methodology in custom software development

Enhanced Flexibility and Adaptability

One of the hallmark benefits of Agile is its inherent flexibility. Unlike traditional methodologies, Agile allows for frequent reassessment and adaptation throughout the development process. This adaptability is particularly advantageous in custom software development, where client requirements and project scopes can evolve. Agile empowers teams to pivot and make changes without disrupting the entire project, ensuring that the final product remains relevant and aligned with client needs.

Improved Customer Satisfaction

 Agile methodology places a strong emphasis on customer involvement and feedback. Regular interactions with clients ensure that the project aligns with their expectations and requirements. This coordinative strategy permits the integration of client feedback into the development procedure. It leads to higher customer satisfaction. The end product is more likely to meet or exceed client expectations, as it has been refined through continual feedback and iterations.

Increased Project Control:

 Agile provides teams with better control over the development process. With regular sprints and frequent reviews, project managers and stakeholders have a clear view of progress and can identify any issues early on. This transparency ensures that any risks or blockers are addressed promptly, minimizing the impact on the project timeline and quality. The iterative nature of Agile also allows for more accurate and reliable project forecasting.

Higher Product Quality

The iterative process of Agile methodology ensures that quality is maintained throughout the development process. Regular testing and revisions mean that bugs and issues are identified and resolved early, rather than at the end of the development cycle. This continuous attention to quality results in a more reliable and robust final product. Additionally, because Agile fosters a collaborative environment, there is a collective responsibility for quality among the development team.

Faster Time to Market:

Agile methodology can significantly reduce the time to market for custom software products. By breaking down the project into manageable units, teams can focus on delivering functional segments of the software more quickly. This approach allows for the early release of certain features or parts of the software, providing a competitive advantage and the ability to respond swiftly to market demands.

Better Risk Management:

Agile offers superior risk management capabilities. The iterative nature of Agile allows teams to identify and address risks in real-time, rather than at the end of the project. This proactive approach to risk management reduces the likelihood of project failure and ensures smoother project execution. Regular reviews and retrospectives also contribute to continuous learning and improvement, further mitigating future risks.

Enhanced Team Morale and Collaboration:

Agile methodology promotes a collaborative and inclusive work environment. Team members work closely together, share responsibilities, and support each other, leading to improved team morale and productivity. This collaborative spirit not only benefits the team dynamics but also positively impacts the quality of the software being developed.

Development Services Embracing Agile

Custom software development services that adopt Agile practices benefit from all the aforementioned advantages. They can deliver tailored solutions that are closely aligned with clients’ evolving needs while maintaining high standards of quality and efficiency. Agile’s flexibility allows these services to cater to a diverse range of projects, from small-scale applications to large, complex systems, with the same level of expertise and responsiveness.

Scalability and Sustainability

Agile methodology is inherently scalable, making it suitable for projects of any size and complexity. It can be easily adapted to accommodate changes in project scope or team size, making it a sustainable approach for long-term and evolving projects. This scalability is particularly beneficial in custom software development, where projects may need to scale up or down based on changing requirements.

Challenges for Agile Methodology in Custom Software Development

While Agile methodology is widely acclaimed for its numerous benefits in custom software development, it also presents several challenges that can impact its effectiveness. Understanding these challenges is crucial for software development services seeking to implement Agile practices successfully. Here are four key challenges associated with Agile methodology in custom software development.

Resistance to Change in Organizational Culture

One of the most significant challenges in implementing Agile methodology is the resistance to change within an organization. Agile requires a fundamental shift in mindset and work culture, moving away from traditional, hierarchical approaches to a more collaborative and dynamic model. This transition can be difficult for organizations that are deeply rooted in conventional methods. Employees may be hesitant to adopt new practices, and there can be a lack of understanding or buy-in from upper management. Overcoming this cultural resistance is crucial for the successful adoption of Agile practices. It involves comprehensive training, clear communication of Agile’s benefits, and strong leadership to guide the transition.

Maintaining Consistent Quality and Standards

Agile’s iterative and incremental approach can sometimes lead to inconsistencies in quality and standards, especially if not managed properly. Since Agile focuses on rapid development and frequent releases, there is a risk that quality assurance might not be as thorough as in traditional models. Ensuring that each release maintains a high standard of quality requires diligent management and a robust testing process. This can be particularly challenging in custom software development, where each project has unique requirements and quality benchmarks. Software development services must implement effective quality control mechanisms and maintain a balance between speed and excellence.

Effective Communication and Collaboration

 Agile methodology heavily relies on effective communication and collaboration among team members. The challenge here is ensuring that all team members, including remote workers and those from different departments, are actively involved and in sync with the project’s progress. Miscommunication or lack of collaboration can lead to misunderstandings, delays, and errors in the development process. Software development services must foster an environment where open communication is encouraged, and tools are provided to facilitate collaboration. Regular meetings, clear documentation, and the use of collaboration tools can help overcome these challenges and ensure that the team operates cohesively.

Adapting Agile to Complex Projects in Software Development Services

While Agile is highly effective for many projects, adapting it to complex or large-scale projects can be challenging. In such cases, the simplicity and flexibility of Agile might conflict with the need for detailed planning and risk management. For software development services working on complex custom software projects, tailoring Agile to fit the project’s unique needs while still maintaining its core principles can be a delicate balancing act. It involves structuring the project into smaller, manageable parts while keeping an eye on the overall vision and objectives. Additionally, managing a large team following Agile practices requires advanced coordination and project management skills.


In conclusion, while Agile methodology offers numerous advantages in custom software development, it also comes with its set of challenges. These include overcoming resistance to organizational change, maintaining quality and standards, ensuring effective communication and collaboration, and adapting Agile to complex projects. Software development services adopting Agile need to be aware of these challenges and develop strategies to address them. By doing so, they can fully leverage Agile’s benefits and successfully deliver high-quality, custom software solutions that meet their clients’ needs.

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